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SeleniumBase Behave GUI / Commander πŸπŸŽ–οΈ

πŸπŸŽ–οΈ The SeleniumBase Behave GUI lets you run behave scripts from a Desktop GUI.

πŸπŸŽ–οΈ To launch it, call sbase behave-gui or sbase gui-behave:

> sbase behave-gui
* Starting the SeleniumBase Behave Commander GUI App...

πŸπŸŽ–οΈ SeleniumBase Behave GUI loads the same tests that are found by:

behave -d

πŸπŸŽ–οΈ You can customize which tests are loaded by passing additional args:

sbase behave-gui [OPTIONAL PATH or TEST FILE]

πŸπŸŽ–οΈ Here are examples of customizing test collection:

sbase behave-gui  # all tests
sbase behave-gui -i=calculator  # tests with "calculator" in the name
sbase behave-gui features/  # tests located in the "features/" folder
sbase behave-gui features/calculator.feature  # tests in that feature

πŸπŸŽ–οΈ Once launched, you can further customize which tests to run and what settings to use. There are various controls for changing settings, modes, and other β€œbehave” command line options that are specific to SeleniumBase. You can also set additional options that don’t have a visible toggle. When you’re ready to run the selected tests with the specified options, click on the Run Selected Tests button.

🐝βšͺ With the Dashboard enabled, you’ll get one of these:

To learn more about SeleniumBase, check out the Docs Site: Docs

All the code is on GitHub:

SeleniumBase on GitHub